Monday, November 5, 2012

The First Tuesday after the First Monday in November

The First Tuesday after the First Monday in November

You know, I think I've changed my mind. I had originally thought that I'd start this blog out with some shouting and some rage. I've had an anger building in me for months and months and was going to vent it now in one explosive purge. I was going to rant and holler about the political ads on the television. I was going to wail and moan about the many, many political phone calls that have clogged my telephone for many, many weeks. And I was going to especially scream about all my “friends” on Facebook who have been “kind” enough to inform me about how diabolically awful each of our presidential candidates are.

But I'm not going to. I've decided to tone it down and to behave rationally. Hollering would be the easy way and there are times, non-withstanding what some acquaintances might say, where I don't take the easy way.

So, my friends, let's look at each of the above named annoyances, shall we?

Television/radio ads. There surely have been lots of them, haven't there? A majority of the ones I've viewed were of the presidential variety, but as we approached election day the lesser races began to show their faces too. Some of the ads were quite clever, some were informative, some were quite emotional. A lot were half-truths, near-truths and outright fabrications. A good chunk of them were attack ads, of course. “Don't worry about what I'm going to do, just look what this ne'er-do-well has done in the past.” A lot of those ads hinted at the fact that the candidate probably ought to be arrested, in jail or rode out of town on a rail.

At least.

Some said that if you would elect this guy the country and/or the world will definitely be going to hell in a hand-basket. Definitely. Others said that if you supported “the other guy” you were, at the least, deficient in some brain function and, at the worst, a traitor who should be summarily executed. A lot of them stated “facts” that were easily found to be incorrect and had been demonstrated so for quite a while. Apparently the ads were working with the supposition that if you throw enough mud against the wall, some of it would stick. Or that if you tell someone that “A” did XYZ enough times, a few of the audience members will begin to believe “A” did that despicable thing. Those are all well-known brainwashing techniques.

Did you get brainwashed?

Let me ask you another question. Did any of the ads make you change your mind after you'd made your choice? Did one of the ads make you hate your guy so bad you jumped on the other guy's bandwagon?

Didn't think so.

In any event, there were oodles and oodles of them, weren't there?

So be it. It's a free country (despite what some ads would have you believe). If someone wants to place an ad and spend his money to do so, why shouldn't he be able to? “What if it's a lie”, you might ask.

So what? Half of the ads you see selling products are half-truths at best. Be happy for the television (and radio) stations who are realizing a great windfall to their bottom lines. Those political dollars are going into someone's pocket. All television and radio advertising executives are wearing grins these days, you betcha!

And the phone calls. Annoying? My God, yes. But I find I'm beginning to enjoy hanging up on them. I pick up and listen. Since I doubt very much if Pat Boone would be calling me personally, or Obama or Romney, I hang up on them. Same for all of them. Simple! I look at the caller id. Do I know him? Answer and hang up. Answer and hang up. Answer and hang up. Takes 2 seconds and doesn't clog your answering machine.

The Facebook freaks? I am simply amazed by the number of my friends, and I use the term quite loosely, who are simply batshit CRAZY about their political views! I have quite a number of them who seem to ONLY think about politics and how AWFUL the “other” guy is. I've seen stuff on there I'm surprised hasn't generated visits from the Secret Service for their vileness. There seems to be a LOT of hate out there, folks. Others are just dumb. They remind me a lot of third graders going na-na-na-na to their playground rivals. Lots of hot air and rhetoric to justify their puerile emotions. Don't they realize that almost NO one is interested in their political postings and posturing? Even the ones who agree with them? We get it! We know who you like and who you don't! Don't tell me for the 98th time!

And I find all this seriously puzzling.

Have any of the candidates personally done something to any of them? Did they come to their door and beat up their wife? Steal their car? Shoot their dog?

Come on now! Go outside and take a deep breath. Take an aspirin and a nap. Give it a break!

Your guy doesn't wear a halo and the other guy doesn't have horns and a tail. Half of your friends and relatives LIKE the other guy, much as you'd like to ignore it. Very close to half of the electorate, if polls are to be trusted, LIKE the other guy too. Are they ALL misinformed boobs? Closet subversives? Soon-to-be anarchists?

Of course not!

Don't forget that they all think you've got a screw loose, too, by your support of your guy.

This is America and we ALL love a good contest. Our sports team is the best! Our high school was the best! Our kids are the best!

It's what we are and how we operate. We are passionate people and very demonstrative on our likes and dislikes.

Deep breath, relax, remember you weren't going to get upset. Stay calm.

So... Tomorrow is election day. Sometime tomorrow morning I will rise from my bed, dress, get in the car and visit my polling place. And then I'll vote for the man I want to be president. (And of course some other stuff, too.)

I'd like to see him win. I'd like to see him do what he's promised he's going to do.

But is America going to go down the tubes if the other guy gets in?

Hell no!

I'm very sure that either man, if elected, will do his damnedest to do a good job. He'll work day and night to attempt to make his country the best in the world. He'll bust his ass and his hair will turn gray (or grayer) because of it. He will serve the people who voted for him and the ones who didn't to the best of his abilities.

And he'll probably do a fine job. A damn fine job.

One thing's for sure though, whoever wins the crown.

He'll be my president. And that's good enough for me.